Work Based Learning Motion Graphics Production: Burlingtons

The first stage of the project was to create the swirl reveal. This required a mask technique. I decided to partition the swirl into two halves. This allowed me to control the reveal and create a symmetrical look to the animation. I did this by using the pen tool to draw a shape over each side of the swirl individually, then enabling the stroke to hide all of the parts of the swirl I missed when drawing the path. By changing the width of the stroke, this allowed me to control the path revealing parts of the swirl when I wanted it to as the swirl was very tightly drawn and I ran the risk of revealing parts of it at the wrong time.

I then introduced an animator which was ‘Trim Paths’. This allowed me to reveal the swirl once I changed the start and end points. However this still has the stroke on it which made the swirl look messy and not like the original so then I track matted the shape layer to the swirl so it would reveal the side I had just animated.

One problem with doing it this way was the timings of the animation were off as there were not the same number of points on each side of the swirl when drawing it out. This meant that it didn’t look exactly symmetrical. If I had more time I would have copied and pasted the shape and flipped it to make it symmetrical and reveal at the same time.

After this section was completed, I pre composited the animation so that I could rearrange it to make the rest fo the logo.

The next part of the project was to arrange and animate the text with the same font, colours and sizing of the original Burlington’s logo. I inserted the original logo as a guide and composited the other elements over the top, after that I discarded the original logo and was left with the new one.

I used the colour picker tool to match the correct colours and the fonts were already on the Adobe program as they were Adobe’s own fonts.

To animate the word ‘Burlingtons’ I used a fade by changing the opacity settings. I also added some movement within this animation by starting scaled up slightly and then bringing it back down to fit into place.

From researching aspects on how to reveal the swirl, I came across a video on YouTube on how to reveal text behind a shape. This gave me the idea to do with the ‘Hair Salon’ text.

To do this I created a rectangle which covered the text and used keyframes to animate the position of the text as I wanted to reveal the text coming out of somewhere instead of the other way round. I then alpha matted the rectangle to the text layer which would hide the text until it appeared from behind.

For the first version, the start of the promotional video, that was all of the animations involved. I exported this without a background so that it would go over the footage I had ready.

However, for the second version I used a white background and also included the company slogan.

To animate this I isolated the ‘Your Hair,’ and ‘Our Passion’ separately as when I was editing I decided that I wanted them to fade in as though you would say it. I tried to use a similar font to what I saw the slogan was written in on the salon’s wall.  This happed to be ‘Avenir Next’ font. I made ‘Your Hair,’ normal and ‘Our Passion’ bold, like on the salon wall. To then complete the animation I changed the opacity of each section and timed it to fit the rest of the project.

Image result for Avenir Next


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