Initial Client Outreach

As part of the work based learning we were instructed to find our clients, so I outreached a local businesses which was a salon called Burlington’s Hair Salon in Chesterfield. I decided to email them and enquire whether or not they would benefit from a promotional video.

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In my initial email, I wanted to explain why I was contacting the client and I’m intentions for doing the video (for my university project). I also wanted to give some background to why a video would be a good idea, explaining a video’s potential with social media and gaining business growth for example.

After sending the email I was contacted by one of the managers of the salon explaining that they would like to discuss any ideas I may have and to see what I could do for their company in terms of the video.

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After receiving this email I decided to arrange a client meeting as soon as possible to get the ball rolling with the client. I wrote a list of questions I wanted to cover so that I get the relevant information from my client, so that I can go back and think about ideas.

  • How would you describe your company’s brand image?
  • Upon completion of the video, where would you be putting the video (social media and website)?
  • What age demographic would you say your clients sit into, and would you say both male and female?
  • What key aspects of the salon would you like me to focus the video around?
  • How long would you like the video to be? (60-90 seconds usual)
  • How would you like the video to be sent to? (Dropbox/ in person)


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