Final Soundscape and Evaluation


Making the soundscape for Sully brought a few challenges, such as learning how to do ADR effectively and making Foley sounds that sound realistic. Overall the soundscape as a whole works well, I feel that this could pass as the real thing. What I think worked well for this was the Foley sound, I thought about the sounds carefully and used my knowledge of sound design to manipulate the tone of things like the engine noises. Such as using the suction end of the vacuum to get that effect. Also I think that I have pushed my creativity in terms of the wide range of sound I have added to the soundscape. The subtle sounds like clothing rustles and seatbelt sounds add to the realism of the scene. I also used panning to give a sense of dimension to my scene, like with the ATC voice I panned it to the left to make it sound like it was coming from the co-pilot’s ear piece. As well as panning I used EQ to change the frequency of a channel to make it sound like it was coming from a small speaker, this also gave it some realism as the voice wouldn’t be the same as the actors on screen.

The ADR was very difficult for this scene as there are a lot of times that you cannot see the words being spoken on screen so you have to time them correctly to fit with what you see on screen. In the soundscape, some of the ADR isn’t synced properly which is a negative about my work however I tried my best to get the actors to mimic the dialogue they heard so I could fit it into my soundscape.

Other things that I could improve on in the scene is the landing gear sound being too loud as well as some of the other sound. Possibly I could have gave myself some more range to play around with like lowering the volume of some of the less important sounds like clicks and clothing so that I could allow the birds and some of the dialogue to go to 0.0db. In terms of Foley, the only sound I dislike is the birds flying, I think that deepening the sound of the birds and changing the EQ would have increased shock of impact and also sounded less like rattling a plastic bag.

As a whole I think that my soundscape is effective and demonstrates the narrative of the scene. I thought a lot about the objects I would use to recreate difficult sounds and gave a lot of creative input into it to make it sound as realistic as possible using as many effects I could effectively to get a good result. Apart from the loud sounds and the lack changes to the bird strike, I am very happy with the result.

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